Chapter 18 – Three investigation reports

This chapter presents the routine of a historian. Instead of rapid sensational breakthrough, we see laborious hunching over the desk, struggling with bewildering and contradictory documents, drawings and maps. Quite in the same manner as I suppose crime investigators do.

Therefore, I did not at first consider that the pedantic scrutiny would be anything more than my homework. All three reports appeared rather verbose, although quite informative once I was able to winnow out the factual points and put the reports into chronological order. The next phase was to compare their data. The collated lists of the victims offered several interesting coincidences, but at the same time left some questionable traces and loose ends.

The question of method rose once more: could Marianne have been ready for such serious effort, unexperienced and without specific training as she was? Could I attribute the troubled process to her? I thought I could. Surely, she must have been informed of the subject, and there was no other way but to walk the same path of research.

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