Chapter 21 – Princess Schwarzenberg’s last will

Eleonora’s last will, signed a week before her death, is supposedly kept in the family archive. The only citation having been published and thus available to me is as follows: solle mein Leichnam, ich mag in Wien, oder andernorts das Zeitliche verlassen, nach Krumau geführet, dort von armen Leuten in die St. Nepomuc Kapelle getragen, und allda ohne einzigen Gepränge beerdiget werden, und auf den Grabstein folgende Wörter stehen: Hier liegt die arme Sünderin Eleonora, Bittet für Sie.

In this passage, the arrangements the Princess made for her funeral are very clear. Despite her place of death, her body must be taken to Krumau, carried by the poor, buried in St John of Nepomuk chapel in St Vitus church without any pomp. On her tombstone, these simple words must be inscribed: Here lies poor sinner Eleonora, pray for her.

Eleonora desired to rest in the vicinity of the St John and her husband. As we can see, all of her wishes were fully respected and followed by the executors.

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